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Welcome to Santee Dentistry and Implants! We're happy that you've selected us as your dental home in Santee, CA. Dr. Faris and Dr. Alhamdi take pride in offering a range of dental services, including our signature Sedation Dentistry.

We deliver exceptional dental care in the most soothing and stress-free setting imaginable! Join us as we talk about sedation dentistry and discover how it can elevate your dental services.


Sedation dentistry is a technique used by dentists to help patients feel more relaxed and at ease during dental procedures. It involves the use of medication that helps to reduce anxiety and fear associated with visiting the dentist. This type of dentistry can also be referred to as sleep dentistry, although patients are typically awake during the procedure.

woman going under sedation for dental treatment

What to Expect at Your SEDATION DENTISTRY Appointment

Your dental experience with sedation dentistry begins with a consultation. Dr. Faris or Dr. Alhamdi will review your medical history, discuss your anxiety levels, and create a personalized treatment plan that's right for you.

During the procedure, you might feel completely relaxed, drowsy, or even fall asleep. Regardless, you'll be monitored by our team to ensure your safety. Post-procedure, you may feel a little groggy, so it's important to arrange a ride home.

SEDATION Options at Santee Dentistry and Implants

At Santee Dentistry and Implants, we offer a range of on-demand sedation options:

woman getting nitrous oxide in dental treatment room

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly referred to as "laughing gas," nitrous oxide is administered through a mask placed over your nose. This mild sedative induces relaxation, making you feel at ease during dental procedures. Its effects dissipate rapidly once the mask is removed, allowing you to resume normal activities without lingering drowsiness.

women holding oral sedation tablet

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed pill approximately an hour before the dental procedure. This method induces a state of drowsiness while keeping you conscious. Patients may drift off to sleep in some instances but can be easily roused if needed, ensuring a comfortable and controlled sedation experience.

man sitting in dental chair

IV Sedation

IV sedation delivers sedative medication intravenously, enabling swift onset and precise control of sedation levels. By adjusting the dosage as necessary during the procedure, dentists can ensure optimal comfort and relaxation for the patient throughout the treatment.

woman getting nitrous oxide in dental treatment room

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly referred to as "laughing gas," nitrous oxide is administered through a mask placed over your nose. This mild sedative induces relaxation, making you feel at ease during dental procedures. Its effects dissipate rapidly once the mask is removed, allowing you to resume normal activities without lingering drowsiness.

women holding oral sedation tablet

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed pill approximately an hour before the dental procedure. This method induces a state of drowsiness while keeping you conscious. Patients may drift off to sleep in some instances but can be easily roused if needed, ensuring a comfortable and controlled sedation experience.

man sitting in dental chair

IV Sedation

IV sedation delivers sedative medication intravenously, enabling swift onset and precise control of sedation levels. By adjusting the dosage as necessary during the procedure, dentists can ensure optimal comfort and relaxation for the patient throughout the treatment.

Enhance Your Dental Experience with Sedation Dentistry

Your comfort is our priority, and we're dedicated to making your visit to the dentist as pleasant as possible. If you're ready to explore how sedation dentistry can transform your dental experience, Dr. Faris, Dr. Alhamdi, and the entire Santee Dentistry and Implants team are here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover the benefits of sedation dentistry! We look forward to providing you with a relaxing and positive dental experience.


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