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We're thrilled you've chosen to learn more about Santee Dentistry and Implants in Santee, CA. Led by our dentists, Dr. Faris and Dr. Alhamdi, we're proud to offer a range of dental services, including our highlighted service - Dental Implants.

Our goal is simple: to provide high-quality dental care that leaves you with a radiant smile you can't wait to share! Let's take a look at dental implants and how they can better your oral health.


Dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth, or chronic dental problems. They're artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed, replacement teeth. 

women smiling in mirror after getting dental implants

What to Expect at Your Dental Implant Appointment

The path towards your new smile with dental implants begins with a thorough consultation. Dr. Faris or Dr. Alhamdi will assess your oral health, discuss your specific needs, and create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

The procedure involves placing the implant, which is a titanium post, into the bone beneath the gum line. Once healed, the implants fuse with your natural bone, creating a sturdy base for your new teeth and giving you the confidence to eat, smile, laugh, talk, and enjoy all of your everyday activities without worrying about your teeth.

people smiling on couch because they are happy with dental implants

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants come with a host of benefits. They are a permanent solution, so you won't have to worry about replacing them like dentures or bridges. They also look and feel like natural teeth, improving your appearance and boosting your self-esteem. Since they're securely placed in the bone, they offer better stability than other tooth replacement options, allowing you to eat and speak without any discomfort or fear of slipping. 

Dental Implant Options at Santee Dentistry and Implants

At Santee Dentistry and Implants, we offer a variety of dental implant options to best suit your needs:

3d image of dental implants

Dental Implants

Considered an optimal single-tooth replacement option, dental implants restore the missing natural tooth and mimic the function of its root, providing stability and durability over time.

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Snap-in Dentures

Offers superior comfort and stability compared to conventional dentures. Snap-in dentures securely attach to implants in the jaw, ensuring a snug fit and enhanced functionality for daily activities.

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All-on-X Procedure

A comprehensive treatment involving replacing all teeth with a dental bridge supported entirely by dental implants. This innovative approach delivers a long-lasting and lifelike solution, surpassing the benefits of traditional dentures.

3d image of dental implants

Dental Implants

Considered an optimal single-tooth replacement option, dental implants restore the missing natural tooth and mimic the function of its root, providing stability and durability over time.

3d image of snap in dentures

Snap-in Dentures

Offers superior comfort and stability compared to conventional dentures. Snap-in dentures securely attach to implants in the jaw, ensuring a snug fit and enhanced functionality for daily activities.

3d image of all on x implants

All-on-X Procedure

A comprehensive treatment involving replacing all teeth with a dental bridge supported entirely by dental implants. This innovative approach delivers a long-lasting and lifelike solution, surpassing the benefits of traditional dentures.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

Your smile is our passion, and we're dedicated to helping you achieve the healthy, confident smile you deserve. If you're ready to explore how dental implants can revolutionize your oral health, Dr. Faris, Dr. Alhamdi, and the entire Santee Dentistry and Implants team are here to guide you every step of the way.

Join us on this transformative journey, and let's restore your smile together!


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